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Baby girl's room: 10 decorative ideas

A little girl will soon brighten up your days at home? Everything must be ready for his arrival. Have you thought about little pink, pastel, white or yellow clothes? It's perfect. Now let's talk about his future bedroom. Have you ever thought about how you plan to decorate it? What colors to choose? How to furnish it?

The decoration of your little angel's room should reflect his character. It must be unique, personalized and above all comfortable, so that she can have a good time there and sleep peacefully. In this article, we present 10 ideas for decorating your daughter's room.

Ideas on decorating and organizing the bedroom

The colors, the decoration, the toys, the bed ... you have to take all these points into account when you take care of your future baby's room. It is not always easy to find the best furniture and all the equipment for your little one's bedroom. The same goes for how to arrange the furniture. Here are some tips to help you.

1—Adopt a soft and lively color

In a bedroom for a little girl, choose a soft shade as the dominant color. As soon as we talk about a little girl, the first colors that come to mind are pink, white, red, yellow and pastel. Very good idea, but you can also opt for light masculine colors. Exit the distinctions, you do as you want! Anyway, for the coverings of the cradle, curtains and other furniture, such as an armchair or a sofa, you can turn to these shades.

Don't fall into the trap of monotony. The colors attract the child's eyes. They arouse its visual appearance, which is important during the first months of its life. You can then vary the shades, while remaining in the girl's bedroom theme.

If you have white walls, go for pink for the upholstery and pastel for details like cushions and rugs. You can also add a few touches of woody brown to the decor, to recall the natural side of the room. The goal is to play on colors so that your daughter lives in a bright, spacious and colorful setting.

2—Appropriate colors for the walls

For the color of the walls, you will have to take several factors into account. You must consider the surface of the room, the intensity of light present there and especially the decorative theme that you have decided to establish.

For a spacious and well-lit room, bet on a rather dark color. Of course, the color black and other colors in the same tone should be avoided, since it is a child's room. You can nevertheless dare burgundy, green or brown. These shades capture the already intense light in the bedroom. Which will not disturb the child's sight due to light reflections.

If the room is narrow, but has enough light, you can turn to soft, light colors such as pink, mauve, salmon, pastel and white. These colors reflect the light and thereby intensify the lighting in your child's room.

You also have another option for covering the walls: wallpaper. This will allow you to easily change the decor as your daughter grows. In addition, you can choose wallpapers in solid colors or with patterns.

Finally, consider decorating the walls. Whether the walls are painted or covered with wallpaper, this is possible. You can stick small butterflies on it, paint clouds and birds on it. More so, to amaze your daughter at night, place the fluorescent stars on the ceiling and on the walls. A few photo frames will not be refused either.

baby girl bedroom decor

3—Simple furniture that matches a room for a baby girl

For the furnishing of the bedroom, it would be best if you make a list so that you don't get confused. First, start with the main thing: the child's cradle. There are several models. The most practical would be a model with movable side rails. This type of cradle will suit your little girl up to the age of five.

Then you have the storage furniture, including the shelves, the cupboard or the chest of drawers. To store your daughter's belongings, opt for a chest of drawers and shelves with easy access. You don't need a big dressing room for your daughter. This is because your baby girl's clothes, nappies and other belongings need to be close at hand.

When baby has difficulty falling asleep, you will have to spend the night with him. A comfortable sofa or armchair placed near the cradle will allow you to keep an eye on your baby without getting too tired. If you like rocking chairs, this will come in handy. This chair will help you rock your child.

4—Accessorize the room to personalize it

Once the room is furnished, you can move on to decorating. Several elements can do the trick to accessorize your child's room. In this context, you have for example toys, and in particular teddy bears. These toys are placed in his crib, on the sofa, on the chest of drawers.

And there's no shortage of options when it comes to teddy bears. You have all kinds and for all tastes. You can select them according to the decor of the room. Some are in the likeness of cartoon characters. How about a white teddy bear holding a big red heart, a yellow Pikachu or the Lion King? Choose according to the theme of the room. XXL models are currently popular.

Apart from that, above the cradle you can install a multi-colored rocking chair. In store, you will be spoiled for choice in terms of models, colors, and even the soft music it plays. This toy will awaken both your child's sight and hearing. To help him fall asleep, this is the ideal accessory.

Add family photos to the furniture and against the walls. It's also a way to welcome your daughter into the family. Besides that, set up a play corner for your daughter. A small table with small chairs, without forgetting the small china for tea that comes with it.

Speaking of accessorizing the room, don't overlook the lighting. A main light source on the ceiling will allow you to change baby properly. While an extra light will also be necessary to reassure baby during his sleep: wall-mounted night light , bedside lamp or table night light.

baby girl bedroom decor

5—The location of the baby girl's bed

The location of the bed in your little girl's room will be determined with the greatest care, knowing that she will spend most of her time there, especially during the first months of her life. You must therefore install it properly so that your child sleeps peacefully and in the greatest comfort. Cradle, extendable bed, crib... there's something for everyone. You will surely find the ideal bed for your child.

Let's go back to the location for the bed. Leaning one of the sides of the bed against the wall will be more reassuring, because in this way, the bedding will not risk wobbling or falling. If the room has one or more windows, keep the head of the cradle away from them. It is quite dangerous for the baby.

The light coming from the window should not go directly towards the cradle. If you orient the baby's bedding towards an opening like the window, your child will have to suffer the gusts of the wind when it's cold. Likewise in summer, your child will have to endure the sun's rays.

Finally, orient the bed so that the baby can see what is going on behind his door. The fact that the child sees the person entering his room will be more comforting for him. Then he will feel safer. And on your side, you can always take a look at your darling little girl as you pass her room.

Themes for your daughter's room

In princess mode or rather animals and forest? You have a wide choice of themes for your baby girl's room. The theme thus selected will reflect her personality, because the living environment of the child from its first months is particularly decisive for her.

6—The fairy world

Little girls love everything that is magical and fairytale. Why not go in this direction! For your daughter, you can create a fantasy world with fairies and unicorns. These beings who embody goodness, power and joy. It's exactly what you need to condition a little girl when she comes home.

For example, you can install a carpet decorated with a unicorn in his room. You will place it in the center of the room. As a flagship toy, a rocking unicorn will be perfect. Your daughter will fly away in her imaginary world. You can also decorate the walls with pretty rainbows.

7—The world of princesses

Cinderella, Snow White, The Snow Queen, Sleeping Beauty... All these princesses from Walt Disney's fairy tales will brilliantly brighten up your angel's room. In this universe, pastel shades appear in small touches, but also as the predominant color. You also have sequins, rhinestones, a castle... To design a princess bedroom, combine all these elements and you will obtain a harmonious and enchanting setting.

baby girl bedroom decor

8— Bet on a personalized atmosphere

If you don't want to conform to the princess and fantasy world cliché, you can create an original style for your daughter. You decide the decor. Choose your color: white, green, blue, pink, fuchsia...Then decorate the room with stickers of flowers, butterflies, clouds and cartoon characters. The choice is yours. To enhance the decor, place garlands of light on a section of the wall.

9—An original ocean-themed bedroom

We tend to think that when the bedroom is colored blue, it is only for boys. In reality, this is not the case. If you choose the ocean theme for your daughter, blue is the perfect tone. For example, you can create a universe where a little mermaid is the star.

As a central carpet , take a model with sea animal motifs, and why not with characters from the world of Ariel the little mermaid, with Flounder the fish, Sébastien the crab... On the walls, you can paint fish, seahorses..., in short, everything you need for your daughter to enjoy an extraordinary decor.

10—A room in the clouds

Let's stay on the blue, going from the blue of the ocean to the blue of the sky. For your daughter's bedroom, a sky-focused theme is also a smart idea. This shade is comforting and provides a feeling of lightness. will help your toddler to be serene before sleeping.

For this theme, blue and white will be present. And if you wish, you can add a note of soft color such as pastel to remind that this is a feminine room. As a source of light, you can opt once again for light garlands or fluorescent stars.

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