Baby room decoration: 4 tips for the layout

Baby room decoration: 4 tips for the layout

Your newborn trusts you for the decoration of his room . New parents are always very excited and creative for decorating the baby room. Of course, it's an important moment and you want everything to be chic and cozy before the arrival of your new baby. Even if you can give free rein to your inspiration, it is important to know the codes and tips beforehand to decorate your baby's room, boy or girl.

The bedroom space

Keep in mind that this bedroom is a living space that must be spacious. It is important to be able to handle your baby safely in caring for him.

The cradle is the main element of the room, it must be adapted to the size of your child during his development. It is advisable to arrange baby furniture along the walls in order to free up space in the center of the room.

Regarding the decorations of the children's room, it will be better to favor the spaces available on the walls.

It is not advisable to overload your baby's room, the latter growing quickly, you will have to rearrange it regularly.

Choose a soothing light

Apart from the love you have for him, your child needs to feel in a cocoon.

He is very receptive to the density of light and this is why the night lights play an essential role in his well-being and in this feeling of Cocooning. You can use traditional night lights or extremely soothing wall sconces for your baby like the Babynotte wall lamp from Lenny and Alba.


Choose fun furniture

A pretty bedroom also requires decorative and above all functional furniture.

The toy box, the chest of drawers, the armchair, the changing table are the essentials of a child's room.

Have fun choosing pastel or bright colors. There are no rules, except to please yourself and create a warm atmosphere for your little one.

The baby bed: The essential

The cot is the central piece of furniture in your child's room. Knowing that your child will spend three-quarters of the time in bed, do not miss it! Of course, you have to take a bed adapted to your age, but also think about convertible beds.

A bassinet for your infant's first months is a good idea, but today there are hybrid bassinet-cradle cribs.

Your priority! Its comfort and safety.

A bed bumper may be recommended to optimize the comfort of your newborn .

For ideal sleep, consider a baby mattress, a sleeping bag, a comforter.

It is essential to buy a mattress made of natural material which includes among other things: Organic cotton and bamboo. It must be firm.

The changing table: an ideal piece of furniture

The changing table is a very important piece of furniture that has evolved over time.

A simple baby changing table, it is today the Swiss army knife of all young parents. It is generally composed of a cushion which is used to lengthen the newborn, surrounded by ultra practical storage to take care of your child perfectly.

It is a high piece of furniture to avoid back pain for parents. This piece of furniture is ideally placed against a wall or in a corner of the room.

Be careful, you must be extremely vigilant when your boy or girl is on the changing table. The height of the furniture is a danger for them, so it is essential to keep a close eye on your child.

Cuddly toy box

Decorative element that we find today in the vast majority of children's rooms, the toy box has become essential to keep a clean and tidy room.

A simple plastic box to store under the bed twenty years ago, it is now a decorative element that is highlighted. It intensifies the decoration of the room. Even if your newborn baby doesn't have bulky toys yet, you can slip in their stuffed animals, teddy bears or act as additional clothing storage.

The wooden and colored side gives cachet to a baby room .

The dresser

Your newborn's clothes are tiny and cute.

They will all sneak into a beautiful chest of drawers dedicated to their clothes without any problems. Little tip, do not mix winter and summer clothes in order to dress your toddler as soon as possible to have fun with him.

The chest of drawers is usually a gift from the family, preferably take it in wood, colored if you wish but above all not chemical paint.

The unisex baby chair

Your little Doudou's armchair is very useful when it comes to consoling him during his crises, especially when he spends sleepless nights. It is preferable to remain standing by rocking him or by putting him back in his pram, think of putting him an armchair next to his bed.

Moreover, to choose the chair for babies, boys or girls, the quality of the materials is the most important point. Thus, a quality model without noise will meet your requirements. Your baby will be able to take his bottle quietly, because after all, tranquility is what you need!

The wardrobe and the carpet

The wardrobe is important when you have too many clothes in the dresser.

It is indeed ideal to alternate between common clothes to be placed in the chest of drawers and less common clothes in the wardrobe.

On the other hand, the carpet is necessary when your floor is slippery. Safety First!

The carpet also serves to dampen your footsteps when baby is sleeping.

It can also be useful when your baby is crawling, for his safety.

Attention, who says carpet says intensive cleaning for the cleanliness of the room which must be impeccable.

kids room decor with light fixture

Other decorative items in the baby's room

You can decorate the baby room with several other decorative elements to make it design and warm. Like wall shelves, stickers, paper lanterns.

A beautiful decoration brings peace to your child, both visually and audibly.

Light management is essential. Your baby is growing quickly and needs to develop all his senses, including sight. It is therefore advisable to use bright colors to awaken your child.

The colors to use

The choice of paint is crucial regardless of the sex of your cuddly toy.

You can of course change it over the years and how your child grows.

Generally, it is common to use neutral colors for large surfaces such as walls and use bright or pastel colors for furniture, a wall or even decorative objects.

It has recently been shown that earth colors reduce anxiety and generate a feeling of protection in children.

Your baby's eyes are sensitive to colors.

In the same way, to have a warm and natural atmosphere, it is necessary to opt for natural tones, brown, ocher. These have a protective, balancing and soothing action. They have a relaxing effect. With these, safety and comfort are at the rendezvous.

Finally, the wallpaper, even if it rather recalls the childhood of the parents, is still a practical alternative because it is possible to change quite easily a part damaged by the activity generated by baby.

Because to conclude, what you have to keep in mind is that the baby room remains a place of life where you will share moments of tenderness and love with your children. Make the most of them because they grow fast...